I have a list of more than 1500 friends of Facebook and frankly speaking i don't know 50% of them but it's all about knowing more people and networking, i have met some interesting people, bloggers and entrepreneur over the past years on Facebook. Adding people to your profile is a easy task but what if i tell you that you can actually keep a track on who deleted you from there Facebook profile. You can easily analysis who doesn't like your profile pictures or your status.

who.deleted.me is a very interesting website to find out who has unfriend you on Facebook recently 

This is a 3rd party website which keep a track on new people you have added and people who have recently deleted you. It's a free platform and a very useful service. I have been using this website since quit some time and i have never got a spam message or e-mail from them. 

All you need to do is click on login with Facebook and give authorisation of you Facebook profile and you can check who deleted you from friends list. This website also offers you graphs and stats that can let you know in detail as how your friends list increased or decreased.

You can either use who.delete.me or if you don't mind spending on iPhone apps then you can download it for $0.99. It is available on app store with name who deleted me.

Now just don't sit back and analyse why someone deleted you, instead analyse why people are deleting you from there Facebook profile.

If you guys come across such interesting tools or app which can detect who deleted you or unfollowed you on social networking sites then kindly drop down a comment . 

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