The social networking giant Facebook which recently bought whatsapp said in a recent interview that they will not focus on Advertisment like it did with instagram , It'll not put weight on whatsapp rolling on the yearly 1 $ subscription charges also . In some country whatsapp charges 1 $ per year , The main focus is to connect people around the world with each other .

Facebook in recent time bought whatsapp for a wooping total of $ 19 billion . That includes cash of $ 4 billion and stock of $ 12 billion and reserved $ 3 billion for startup employees . Whatsapp CEO Jan Koum , Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook CFO David Ebersman said that there main focus is not to monetize for next coming years and when they monetize in future it won't be through Ads

Currently WhatsApp is the most prefered messaging service used by every one around the world . It has grown so rapidly that the number of Registered users is increasing every day . Currently WhatsApp has around 450 million users and their priority is growth and Mark Zuckerberg says that when they reach around 1 billion , 2 billion users there are many different ways by which WhatsApp can monetize and earn money .

Facebook app also currently doesn't monetize and Zuckerberg wants WhatsApp to become a business app and not just a project whose service people use to message each other .

Recently Facebook share came down by 5% and investors were worried why Facebook would invest so much money in a messaging app which has no revenue . But the CEO of whatsapp Koum said that they currently have 5 million users who subscribe and pay for the app but subscription is not their top priority and expanding the business is.

Right Now Facebook and WhatsApp want to ensure that they dominate the world of mobile messaging . The target is to increase the number of users .

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